While it is never advisable to keep any information from a doctor or nurse, when it comes to the cardiologist, keeping secrets can actually be fatal. If you are not as forthcoming as possible with a heart doctor, he or she will not be able to plan the most effective treatment. These are just some of the things you need to do is to talk the next time you have an appointment.
Whether you are taking supplements or vitamins
Many people take herbal and unconventional medicine to address chronic health issues. However, you must let your heart specialist know everything you’re taking because certain supplements can pose a serious threat if you are on certain cardiovascular drugs.
If you are testing with other Doctors
You may not want to admit that you’ve got a second opinion for heart issues, but the goal is to get the best care possible, do not worry about the feelings of the doctor. It is important that you bring any recent test results next cardiologist appointment, whether that means EKG, a discharge blood test, echocardiography, or something else. If your doctor does not have all the available information, there is no way that he or she will be able to truly understand the severity of your condition.
If you do not get all your medications
Many skip medications every once in a while, but do not want to let your doctor know. If you fall into this category, please be upfront and let him or her know that you have not been taking cholesterol or blood pressure medicines regularly as you should. If cholesterol and blood pressure levels have not changed and specialist heart does not know that you have released your meds, he or she may needlessly prescribe a higher dose of the drug. This could be detrimental to your health.
If you are experiencing unnecessary stress
It is a fact of life that many of us have to endure financial difficulties from time to time. Some keep this and other types of stress to the extent that it makes them physically ill. Stress can increase your heart rate or even lead to skipped beats and palpitations. You need to talk to your doctor about what is happening because it would be possible to elevate blood pressure.
You have not been sticking to your diet
A lot of us cheat a little when a doctor puts us in a certain type of diet. There is no reason for you to feel ashamed if you do the same. If you do not tell your cardiologist you have not been eating exactly right or practice, then he or she will not have the most accurate picture possible of what is happening with your heart. You can wind up having to take a stress test result.
The bottom line is that you need to be comfortable talking to your doctor. The more you enter, the easier it will be for the doctor or nurse to develop the most effective plan of treatment.